Inhabited Garden

The desire to inhabit a place through sensitively responding to its genius loci accounts for the greater part of the elaboration of the site response during the conception process. Located in a dense urban environment, a variety of strategies are adopted to respond to specific situations. An urban elevation based on the wood shutters typical of this lively neighbourhood is applied to the building’s street front. Elevations facing neighbouring gardens are covered in a layer of vertical greenery to mirror their surroundings and soften the presence of windows. Finally, the garden elevation is completely transparent permitting inhabitants to live as if inside the garden.

Inhabited Garden

Inhabited Garden

Rendered perspective

Inhabited Garden

Privacy is created by having living rooms open onto an intimate central garden

Inhabited Garden

The South-facing elevation is enclosed by sliding wooden louver panels typical to the neighborhood

Inhabited Garden

The North elevation conceals the bedrooms behind a lush, vertical green wall

Inhabited Garden

Ground floor plan

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